How Drinking Alcohol Can Affect Your Career


Alcohol and work have always been an interesting combination. 1980s and before, A pint was over at lunchtime.It’s much rarer these days with a typical after-work Friday drink,


However, this does not mean that alcohol will not affect you at work. Especially if you are a heavier drinker other than 9-5.

With the pandemic locking people up and seeing millions of people working from home, there was fear that drinking would make a comeback at work as we could lead a slightly more normal life today.

This is supported in part by statistics showing a significant increase in the number of people drinking alcohol in the UK during the pandemic. But how does alcohol affect your work? And is it really not at all?

Of course, alcohol consumption affects your career.

In short, of course, excessive drinking will affect your work life. There’s nothing wrong with having a glass of wine with dinner or a simple pint after a stressful day at the office, but consuming larger amounts will be a problem both at home and at work.


Some of the most common things you can see about alcohol that affect your work are:

Health and safety issues

First, there are several significant health and safety risks involved if you are involved in a trade or have a job that involves a lot of manual labor. Because alcohol reduces reaction time, speed, and concentration, you are much more likely to have a potentially life-threatening accident if alcohol remains in your body at work. Especially when dealing with heavy machinery.

wrong decision

No one wants to go to work with a hangover, and even a bit of a bad mood at work the next day can cloud your judgment and make bad decisions.

This will ultimately have a far greater impact after that day. This is especially true if you are making decisions that will affect things like your strategy going forward. It’s not a good place and will make you regret such a decision in the long run.


low work quality

If the body is affected by alcohol at work, the production level will be lower, and the less work you do, the lower the quality of your work.

Your brain will not function at its optimal level, and this will only negatively affect what you are doing.

strain office relationship

people’s moods change Dramatically, immediately after the effect of alcohol and the morning after the onset of the hangover. This will drastically change your communication skills and ultimately put a strain on your co-workers who are simply trying to get drunk without being affected by alcohol. Done.


Many of us may find it difficult to get up in the morning after drinking alcohol. It’s not the easiest thing in the world, and it can be a lot more difficult if you think about it all day in the office.

Once that happens, your boss may turn the other side, show up regularly, take sick leave, or face disciplinary action if you have a bad attitude at work. It can strain the relationship and ultimately make your position unsustainable.

be helped

This can exhaust everyone you work with, and if any of the above affects your life, it’s time to seek help.

alcoholism It can be detrimental to your health and family life, as well as your job and things like rehabilitation or alcohol detoxification.

There are many charities and clinics operating nationally and locally, so if alcohol affects your work life, it’s time to consider helping.

